International Atmosphere Attracting Portuguese Teams to Helsinki

Armando Lopes has a long history in leading Portuguese teams to different international tournaments around the world – and now finally to Helsinki Cup, too. The co-operation with Helsinki Cup started in October 2018, after a formal invitation at the beginning of the year.

What attracts Portuguese teams to play in Helsinki Cup?

The main reasons to take three Portuguese teams – EF Benfica de Almada, AD Almada 2015 and Charneca de Caparica FC – to participate in Helsinki Cup 2019 is the fact that over 1000 teams, from around the world, will also be there. The youth will not only be able to play against each other but also socialize with teams from all continents. And the opportunity for Portuguese teams to visit a city like Helsinki is another reason to take part in the tournament.

How does the overall process work when bringing teams to Helsinki Cup?

Bringing Portuguese teams to tournaments in Finland can be challenging financially. Although the cost of the tournament itself is affordable, flights from Portugal to Helsinki can be really expensive, implicating higher total cost. Fortunately, there’s a strong will in the families of the young athletes do everything they can in order to provide them with such an experience.

What is your background as bringing teams to international tournaments?

I have worked in leading Portuguese teams to international tournaments since 2011. Every year I take teams to participate in Gothia Cup, Dana Cup, Gothia Cup China and Partille Cup. I’ve led almost 100 teams to these tournaments so far. It was about time to bring Portuguese teams to Helsinki Cup too.

What do you or your teams look forward from the Helsinki Cup 2019?

Football is the most practised sport in Portugal and has around 180.000 federated athletes. As European Champions, our football is extremely appreciated and I believe that the three teams participating in Helsinki Cup 2019 will leave a great impression, not only for the football they’ll play but for their kindness and for their communicational skills.

Helsinki Cup wishes all Portuguese teams a warm welcome to the tournament!

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