Positive encouragement increases the joy of playing

Imagine a situation where you’ve just taken the best shot of your life towards the goal… and it misses. What would you want to hear from the sidelines in that moment?

Everyone has the right to enjoy their hobbies in peace and safety. Our common goal is to increase children’s joy in playing and practicing. That’s why we have created a positive encouragement certificate for parents and supporters, which they must complete before the Helsinki Cup tournament. We want to hear encouragement and support from the sidelines for every player, regardless of the team, country, skills, size, skin color or game outcome instead of insults and criticism.

A good atmosphere in games arises from everyone receiving applause for good efforts, cheers for each skill demonstration and encouragement for all children and young people on the field. It is our responsibility as adults to encourage children to do their best. Positive encouragement supports children’s experiences of success which boosts their self-esteem. At the same time positive speech makes everyone happy and spreads the exact tournament spirit we expect from the best summer event – the Helsinki Cup.

It’s normal for tournament games on large fields and their sidelines to generate big emotions from joy to disappointment along with everlasting memories. In the Helsinki Cup children and young people can experience a wide range of tournament feelings through physical activity. However, the most important thing is to play and enjoy the shared moments with the best summer football.

Every child and young person is important and valuable. Helsinki Cup stands behind tolerance, equality and respectful behavior for all. Fair play is one of our cornerstones, recognized by both our players and endorsed by our referees. Therefore we also emphasize the responsibility of parents as role models for positive encouragement.

What if the next time you see a child or young person fail to score a goal, you shout out a positive and encouraging cheer that gives them more enthusiasm for playing? Imagine how much goodwill it would spread throughout our tournament!

The positive encouragement certificates for Helsinki Cup will be delivered to parents through team leaders.

P.S. Remember!

Helsinki Cup and Intersport are offering FREE BUN COFFEE to the most positive supporter on the sidelines after every five matches for each team.

Additional Information:

Lotta Peitsi

Tournament Manager

+358 40 576 8336




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Contact Info

Helsinki Cup Office

Urheilukatu 5, 00250 Helsinki
E-mail: helsinkicup@helsinkicup.fi
Int.tel: +358 40 640 8750

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