Gitchi Gummi B15

Gitchi Gummi is participating in the Helsinki Cup for the first time from the USA and they are eagerly looking forward to getting to play in the tournament.

Has your team participated in Helsinki Cup before – if yes/no, what brings you to Helsinki next summer?

”We haven’t been to the Helsinki Cup before, but we’re interested in experiencing an international tournament outside of the USA, getting to know the culture and playing high-level games at the same time. One of our players is both Finnish and American and we heard about the tournament through him.”

What are you looking forward to at the tournament?

”We are looking forward to tough games, fun side events and new cultural experiences.”

Greetings to other teams participating in the 2024 summer tournament

”Greetings from Minnesota, from the shores of Yläjärvi. We are looking forward to the Helsinki Cup!”

Welcome to the tournament, Gitchi Gummi! Your team already has some Finnish grit (SISU). See you on the fields!


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Contact Info

Helsinki Cup Office

Urheilukatu 5, 00250 Helsinki
E-mail: +358 40 640 8750

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